Locations >> Mohegan Park
Flowering shrubs, such as rhododendrons, provide nice surroundings for your park wedding. The lake, fountains, and trees, combined with the rustic style of the gazebo, all contribute to the impression of a New England country wedding.
The gazebo by the fountain offers a view of both the fountain and the pond. Steps leading from the fountain plaza into the gazebo are at the left.
The street address for Mohegan Park is 20 Park Center Road, Norwich, CT 06360. Please contact the Norwich Public Works Department at (860) 823-3798 for pavilion rental information. Mohegan Park is near the Mohegan Sun Casino (about 18 minutes, 11 miles) and Foxwoods Casino (about 16 minutes, 9 miles). Some couples have a mini-vacation by eloping: Getting married in Mohegan Park, celebrating at Foxwoods or Mohegan Sun, then heading home happily married. As a Connecticut Justice of the Peace, I'd be happy to help you elope in Southeastern Connecticut or anywhere you prefer!
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Version 4.4 m 13 March 2011